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Prompt 10

11:04 AM / Posted by Trell / comments (0)

The theme of the novel is that all societies are based on relationships and a true relationship can exist only between equals. Give examples of how this theme relates to our society today. Be specific with your examples and details

To be equal one must have a relationship that is also equal. If one person thinks they are better than an other group, they are not truly equal. To co exist and form a relationship, you must have some form of equality between you. An example of this would be the President and The congress, to keep the balance, there are checks and balances. If one was not seen as equal, chaos would break out. With one having more presidency over another, it cannot be a true relationship because one is more than the other. This theme relates to our society by establishing a system of understanding. By understanding ones relationship with another, and the importance of that relationship it puts a sense of equality for the other.

Prompt 4

10:59 AM / Posted by Trell / comments (1)

"there can be no freedom without education."
The above quote, describes a simple meaning of, there can not be freedom, without education. This is saying that without the education of the individuals, one cannot decide for themselves. basically by not educating, you are not giving reason, or any other option to choose from. From not giving any other option's by what you say, you are forcing a view on someone. With true freedom cause an understanding of what there is. If one does not know what is out there, or what things mean, it can lead to confusion. Without the educating of all fact's and reasoning behind things, people cannot truly make an informed decision about their circumstance, or their freedom.