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Promp Number five

11:02 AM / Posted by Trell / comments (0)

How did the events of the Civil War affect individuals?

The Civil War effected individuals in a various amounts of different ways, depending on their circumstances. The Gettysburg Address delivered by President Abraham Lincoln addresses the Civil war as not just a dispute between the Union and the Confederacy, but as a fight and struggle for equality within the United States of America. The Civil war’s actions have also

Prompt Number One

10:52 AM / Posted by Trell / comments (1)

1. One of the causes of the Civil War was the issue of states' rights, or the right for states to determine their own laws (but not violate federal laws). While secession was an extreme response to the issue of states' rights, are there any political issues today that could spark a strong response by the states to federal mandates.

Yes there are countless political issues that face our nation today, whether it is taxes on soda or government spending, all issues are important. One important issue that we have yet to overcome is equality. Every day we are unconsciously made to stand up for the pledge of allegiance whether we believe in what it stands for or not. But doing so is not respectful to those whom believe that the words spoken in the pledge are not actually being implemented into how we run our nation, or how it is being run. The reason why I think this is a political issue is because, we have yet to learn what true separation of church and state, and this is a political issue that still strikes the heart of many Americans who are from other origins, with different views on religion and political standards.

“ I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America”, America being a huge boiling pot of different cultures and origins, not everyone is from America, and may have allegiance with their own country, many people take this is a form of disrespect and or a form of unwillingness to join their country; “ in which they stand.”, To me this is a valid point in seeing how one might get the wrong idea of what someone has allegiance to, it’s sort of like, if you don’t join, you will suffer consequences.

Everything now days, can be defined as a political issue, because it can effect anyone living in a place, where people have opinions, and those opinions can definitely spark a strong response by the states and to the Federal mandates.


Who said this, when did they say it, and why was it important then and even more so today?

10:08 AM / Posted by Trell / comments (0)

"But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. "
spoken by Abraham Lincoln.
It was said during the Gettysburg address, It is more important than because of the impact of the soldiers that fought for us. Lincoln told gave this speech during the Civil war
on the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 1863. It is important because it re established and explained the importance of equality and backed it up with the Declaration of Independence.
It is even MORE important today because it's not about One, but as a whole.
Referring to the union and the sake of equality.

- TW.

and why was it important then and even more so today?